He and his brothers had gone out to the bars, wading through the thousands of American tourists, looking for a victim that fit El Padrinos criteria. Yes, that ice will feel good for a time, but where they are "all" heading there will be no escape from the heat, and it will be agonizing. The group was featured onSeason1of Deadly Cults onOxygen. If co-leader Aldrete is ever released from prison, American authorities plan to prosecute her for the murder of Mark Kilroy. I herd it was ice nd a bucket with El Nio loco runin all round wit a gun in hiz hand pretendin to be a gurl. thank you! He ran, and nearly got away, when one of them shouted in English, Freeze! Out of instinct, Kilroy stopped, and the Hernandez brothers caught him and tied him up, placing duct tape over his eyes and mouth. On May 6, 1989, Constanzo spotted a police car outside the building, picked up a machine gun,and began firing. The Ritual Murder Of Mark Kilroy Personal Photo The full extent of the torture that Mark Kilroy suffered before his death may never be known for sure. Speaking casually, with no hint of remorse, Serafn detailed the last hours of Kilroys life. "Narcosatanica". NEXT. So is there a main leader of all CDG right now? I guess its kinda sexist to say that I understand the attraction men have to this life; pero que chingaos atae a una uerca, cara de liebre disecada, a este pedo? Eventually, they would exhume the remains of 14 more people. Adolfo de Jess Constanzo (November 1, 1962 - May 6, 1989) was a Cuban-American serial killer, drug dealer and alleged cult leader who led an infamous drug-trafficking and occult gang in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, that was dubbed the Narcosatanists (Spanish: Los Narcosatnicos) by the media. What they didnt know was that Constanzo was bribing law enforcement officials so he could protect his clients. Along the way, Kilroy said he had to use the bathroom. All fur 4 pesos anda five finger discount. A few days later the Kilroys returned to their home in Santa Fe but vowed not to give up their search. Theyre aint nothing hot about this chick..she looked like a boy. (Where a woman's place truly is). including the body of missing college student Mark Kilroy. A connection between Adolfo, the Hernandez brothers, and Mark was established. Richard Ramirez and the twisted Night Stalker murders. Meghan MacRae grew up in Vancouver, Canada, but spent many years living in the remote woods. Is dis the flaca erbodys talkin bout in florda. It drove right through the roadblock, leading to a high-speed chase. The Reynosa guys got ambushed so bad one of the sicarios went on a rant against the Reynosa bosses. I've seen hitmen get scared and take off alone in battles. Their victims were tortured then ritualistically slain. So they went back into Matamoros to look for their friend, to no avail. Aldrete was not the type anyone would suspect of belonging to a murderous cult. Best Western Hotel Plaza Matamoros. Page 1 of. [2] This process escalated until Constanzo eventually decided that the gang needed the power of a brain from an American student, culminating with the 1989 murder of Mark Kilroy. Licenses and pricing; Browse by category; [2] Many of his clients were rich drug dealers and hitmen who enjoyed the violence of Constanzo's "magical" displays. In PaloMayombe,offerings are made to the gods in aceremonial cauldron knownas a nganga, which containsconsecrated sticks and bones. Under pressure from Texan politicians, Mexican police initially picked up four of Constanzo's followers, including two of the Hernandez brothers. But police were able to discover that the two had been in the US, where they obtained fake IDs. No le hagas dao. When classes let out on March 10, 1989, Kilroy and three friends traveled to. Hope they took the beer out of the cooler before the body went in wasting beer should be a crime. Hey, I'm going to kill you !! Los dos principales crteles de la regin son el del Golfo, que tiene su feudo en Matamoros, y el Crtel del Golfo (escisin de los antiguos Zetas) en Nuevo Laredo, 330 kilmetros ms al oeste. Elio emerged as the gangs new leader and turned to Constanzo for supernatural help and guidance. On Sunday the four youths decided to make a short trip to nearby Brownsville and then cross the Rio Grande to Matamoros, a scrappy, booming border town whose main attraction to thousands of spring-break students each year is Calle Alvaro Obregon, a wide avenue of bars and discos where you can get a cold Corona with lime for a dollar. They then drove to McAllen, Texas, and boarded a plane using their fake identities. Anybody noticed the Devils shadow in front of the tweety in the background? You look at these deviants when their in a group and they all act so cool, I wonder what they feel like when they know it's over and their going down that long road to that destination their hoping never comes.
So creepy, behind tweety bird to the right there is a shilouet of a mini devil!!! In addition to the driver, Elio Henandez Rivera, several other men at the ranch were arrested, including Serafn Hernandez and an elderly caretaker. Matamoros is the wrong place to try to attack and expect to win. He suggested that they burn the shack, and most importantly, the nganga, to metaphorically smoke Constanzo out of hiding.
Delia remarried and his new stepfather was involved in both the religion and drug dealing. Warning: Graphic photos on following page. Born in Miami to a Cuban immigrant mother, Constanzo had been raised in the Palo Mayombe tradition, an Afro-Caribbean religion related to Santera, but considered to be much darker. of three persons were found in coolers, one identified as Joselyn Alejandra Nio, a sicaria operating in The National Human Rights Commission says the evidence points to marines and the personal security detail of the former mayor as being responsible for the ki. Copyright 2023 Penske Business Media, LLC. MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas - A Texas woman became the latest local murder victim after unknown individuals tortured her to death. Adolfo named himself El Padrino de Matamoros - The Godfather of Matamoros and gave Sara the nickname La Madrina, Spanish for godmother. TheHernandezeswere members of a large family with relatives on either side of the border who made their money smuggling marijuana. it is what it is you live by the sword you die by the sword same shit that has been going on for 100's of years all around the world. The 200 Greatest Singers of All Time Just as the caretaker said, Kilroy had been left in the back of the Suburban at the ranch for several hours, until later that afternoon.
Of his multiple Mexican victims, only nine have been identified. The streets of Matamoros, Mexico at dusk.
By April 13, Elio and Serafin Hernandez and two other gang members had been arrested and confessed to multiple murders, according toThe New York Times. When the group decided to leave and started walking toward the border, Mark wanted to visit a bathroom, but his friends decided to wait in the car just across the border. Sacrificed On Spring Break: The Satanic Drug Cult Murder Of Mark Kilroy To honor their dark deities, the cult butchered countless cats, dogs, chickens, snakes, goats, and even zebras and a lion club, before moving on to slaughtering rival outlaws and, eventually, Mark Kilroy. Tall and athletic, with sandy blond hair, he attended the University of Texas in Austin, where he was studying to become a doctor. A total of 14 cult members were charged with a range of crimes, from murder and drug-running to obstructing the course of justice. Ciclones jefe El Orejon C7..There is no unified overall boss anymore? They thought their rituals of human sacrifice would make them invincible. Matamoros, Mexico. For more shocking true stories of Deadly Cults, tune inSunday, April 26 at 7/6cfor the season premiere onOxygen. The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time Not even a mom yet, proaly. https://www.thisisawfulpod.com/1435477/8026693-los-narcosatanicos-murders, https://open.spotify.com/episode/2tOq8uTF0lERaKCd339G8Y?si=A4ASjmfASUeh8klgNUP8HA&dl_branch=1, List of serial killers by number of victims, "The Mexican Press and Civil Society, 19401976: Stories from the Newsroom, Stories from the Street", "Drugs, Death and the Occult Meet In Grisly Inquiry at Mexico Border", "The main page in Discovery Channel website, the official source to Most Evil series", https://scabmag.files.wordpress.com/2022/03/scab_issue-10.pdf, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Adolfo_Constanzo&oldid=1140232592, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, The Godfather of Matamoros (El Padrino de Matamoros). The trio waited a few more minutes, then left, thinking that Kilroy had gotten a ride back to the hotel with somebody else. Lmfao Pobre gente tapada pendeja y todo por creerse de los pinche corridos. Says Huddleston, When we woke up the next morning and we still hadnt heard from him, thats when we knew something was wrong.. "Adolfo Constanzo: The Narcosatanists & The Matamoros Cult Killings". While these are most often sourced from animals, followers of PaloMayombehave been blamed for grave robberies, including the theft of bones and body parts at three South Florida cemeteries in 2018, according to theMiami Herald. global health 101 3rd edition houston tumlin girlfriend penn's peak deck parties renate hall bio heather yerrid married at first sight peach bellini strain viola concerto pdf jefferson county pa court records calabrese chicken wings bertucci ddo library search nitrome must die without flash. Police searched Constanzos various homes and properties in Mexico City, but could not find the couple. He was taken back to the ranch, possibly tortured and sodomized, then slain by Costanzo with a machete chop to the backof his head, according to New YorksDaily News. They threw him in the back of their van and drove a few blocks away to wait for the other car driven by their brothers.
When they parked, Kilroy actually escaped. A source reportedly made the discovery under a bridge near the rural community of Los Indios just west of Matamoros. Students were often reported missing in Matamoros, only to turn up the next day with a ferocious hangover and no memory of the night before. On March 10, 1989, with their exams finished and spring break at hand, they got into Kilroys car and left for the Mexican border.
A caretaker on the property said he recognized Kilroy from a photograph police showed him. Adolfo Constanzo and Sara Aldrete were cult leaders and serial killers. The pot with the chicken was shown to. When the authorities learned about the ranch, Adolfo fled to Mexico City with four of his followers. De Len was given a 30-year term.
If those dumb shits on either side had half a brain they would leave it at putting a bullet in each others brains because as they all know it, one day it's going to be their turn, and for me I'd rather just have a bullet put in me instead of all the other bullshit. and never would have happened to a man even he had worked a NORMAL job either. One question is this the same flaca That back in 2011 the article about the shootout in Zacatecas that left 15sicarios dead and 17captured was telling ppl off in BB's comments section ..if so she had it coming with the replys she made to two or more go back check it out she cursed like a person with no respect to others on BB's comments section for that shootout she cursed at the ppl congratulating the MX military for a good job she took up the Zs side.. South Padre Island, Texas for spring break. "Ciclones operating in Matamoros. The line outside wasnt too bad, says Huddleston, but it was pretty crowded. The boys drank and danced until about 2:30 a.m., then headed back to their hotel. Crazy shit man. Jim Kilroy. In May 1994, Sara Aldrete was sentenced to 62 years in prison, according to theAssociated Press.
flaca got beat up pretty bad also. [4], On March 13, 1989, Constanzo's henchmen abducted a pre-med student, Mark Kilroy, from outside a Mexican bar and took him back to the ranch. Eventually, Kilroy said goodnight to his female friend, and the four youths started walking back toward the bridge. She would make him toture and kill animals, praising him for his cruelty when he did so. In the early morning hours of March 11, 1989, college students Mark Kilroy, Bill Huddleston, Bradley Moore, and Brent Martin decided their night of partying was at an end. I mean look at her damn tv's they ol skool as fuck.
Twelve human bodies were found at the cult site, including the body of Adolfo Constanzo and Martin Quintana dead in closet. Just like cult leader Jim Jones, who took his life and made his 900+ followers do the same, Adolfo Constanzo couldn't take responsibility for his actions.
It was very hard for us to come back because we wanted Mark to be with us, Helen Kilroy told reporters. Otra "marignal" que nacio en le basurero y murio en le basurero. Within 48 hours, their dream vacation turned into a nightmare. De Leon and Sara Aldrete were immediately arrested. ''This never would a happened to her had she stayed in the kitchen''Nicca is you crazy? A total of fourteen cult members were charged with a wide range of crimes, from murder to drug-running.
The old man told Ayala that he had fed the young man, who he had been bound and held in the back of a Suburban at the ranch three weeks earlier. Lolteddy bear..but I does look like something sinister. Authorities on both sides of the Rio Grande suspected foul play, but the police were short on leads. The writers would face certain death at the hands of the Gulf cartel if pseudonyms were not used. As part of that effort, Ayala and some of his officers had set up a roadblock near Matamoros. FOR A FEW PESOS IDIOTS, Whats up with the 65 guy ? inside an abandoned truck. Thank you very much in advance. Get an all-access pass to never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more! A series of photos have emerged claiming to show dismembered bodies in Mexico.
Determined not to go to prison, he handed the gun to follower lvaro de Len and ordered him to open fire on him and Martn Quintana. So voiced the mother of slain victim Mark Kilroy, found murdered in Matamoros, Mexico in April of 1989. Constanzo was portrayed by actor Aldo Uribe. The care taker showed police Kilroy's burial site. This page was last edited on 19 February 2023, at 03:01. Unfortunately for Costanzo and his followers, they could have hardly picked a worse victim. On 14 March 1989, University of Texas at Austin student Mark James Kilroy was kidnapped in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico while vacationing during spring break. His brain and spinal column were then removed for ritual use and his body was dismembered for easy burial. But the police promised us that they wouldnt lessen the intensity of their investigation., Related After learning about the Mexican cult sacrifice of Mark Kilroy, read about Richard Ramirez and the twisted Night Stalker murders. Show me where the body is, Ayala commanded. The Sin modestia , soy un hombre, Escucho tus palabras.Ingls es mi primera.
Constanzo, a drug dealer, serial killer and con man. Victimas si porque todos ellos son unas victimas aunque posen con sus R 15s, 8:11 back to your meds, increase dosage of anti-nazI tea and cranky robot pillsA truth very few perceive, "todos son victimas" best statement todayThe US protects mass murderer genocida ernesto zedillo y su jundillo, and salinas de Gortari too, All the ppl mentioning the old tv in her roomcmon maybe that was her first daywho knows maybe she had a nice 60in 4k tv waiting for her before she got fished out by the contras.food for thought, Is 65 El Flaco Sierra?He is with Metros and Nosa ? Constanzo's mother, Delia Gonzalez del Valle mugshot. Once they get these kids hooked on dope they'll do what ever their told and all the while their so-called bosses pockets are filling with money. |