These fees apply from July 1, 2022: Extension of time for a Council-issued building permit $346.75. If you havent received your application form from us and are needing to start your works, please call our Customer Service team on 9599 4444 or email The Code of Practice has been developed to manage the effects of building works within the Shire, support the safety and wellbeing of local communities and protect assets and the environment. Apply in person by visiting one of our customer service centres: Once your application has been submitted: For more details on the process, please contact our Operations Department on 9747 7200. Council will inspect the assets at and adjacent to the address or addresses you provided on your application. Builders are responsible for protecting the following Council assets during the building process: Builders also have a responsibility to protect assets belonging to other authorities, such as communications, water, gas and power companies. , including demolition, excavation and delivery of equipment and materials until a permit has been issued and all conditions have been met. Help shape our 2023 - 24 Shire Budget and guide the future direction of Shire delivered community programs, projects and services. carrying out building works costing more than $20,000; entering a building site with a motor vehicle weighing more than two tonnes; occupying a road (including footpaths, vehicle crossings and nature strips) for works. Council is not a COVID-19 vaccination provider. Some examples of plant and equipment include a Crane, Cherry Picker, Scissor Lift, Concrete Pump or Excavator. Asset protection. civica.communityPortal.trackTileCRM('/eservice/crm/', 'C', 3); Get Ready for Kindergarten. Council embraces Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander living cultures as a vital part of Australias identity and recognises, celebrates and pays respect to Elders past, present and future. Is my property within the Urban Growth Boundary? Please request removal of your old bin. Sign In . Resources to assist you in preparing an application for a planning permit. Local law(s) name . Asset Protection and Permit Requirements. Variation to documents and plans submitted for a Council-issued building permit $450.15. Call our Customer Service team on 1300 787 624 to pay over the phone by credit card. You only need to register once to undertake any of the following functions: Lodge a new planning permit application. Email:, Address: 232 High Street, Melton, VIC 3337 Postal Address: City of Melton, PO Box 21, Melton, VIC 3337, Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians, City of Melton, PO Box 21, Melton, VIC 3337, Register your temporary or mobile food premises, Fencing information for registered owners, Street stalls, advertising and fundraising, Victorian Local Government Women's Charter, Western Victoria Transmission Network Project, Seniors, people with a disability and carers, Melton: A Strategy for All Abilities and All Ages, Waste service bin options and entitlements, Melton Transport Community Reference Group, The Local Economy and Business Investment, Sign up for our Community Involvement newsletter, Health and wellbeing programs and services, Coronavirus (COVID-19) information and resources, City of Melton Lifelong Learning Festival, Civic Centre / Library - Caroline Springs. Main Council Website . An asset protection permit is valid for 12 months from the date of issue. This is referred to as the 'initial inspection' and will be carried out within 7 days of your application receipt. . Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment. 2004 Guidelines for Developing an Asset Management Policy, Strategy and Plan PDF, 1680.98 KB. SAUGUS Advocate Online at: C TE D AT CAT Vol. To check if your property is within the Urban Growth Boundary and you are required to obtain a permit, please seeIs my property within the Urban Growth Boundary? Plant and Equipment Road Occupancy Permit Application. civica.communityPortal.tileStopEvent(e); Council's Asset Protection Officer will undertake an inspection of the area to determine the bond amount within 10 business days. pre-existing damage to assets is not reported to Council. A permit must be issued before works start. }); You need to have an asset protection permit if you are going to: The permit is required in accordance with Local Law 17 (section 67). After your application has been lodged there are a number of things to do or that could happen next. There are three main types of permit. After payment of the bond the Asset Protection permit will be issued. It requires any damages incurred during these works to be repaired at the completion of the work. Upon issuance of notice of completion or occupancy certificate, Council will conduct a 'final inspection'. We cannot process your application without this number. Should damages occur, the repair costs associated with such damages are the responsibility of the builder or owner builder under Councils General Local Law Part 3, Div 1, Section 38. Once your application has been received the Authorised Officer willissue a Permit(including anyspecial conditions that apply to your site) as soon as possible but depending on the complexity of the application e.g. The amount to be paid will vary, depending on the scope and budget of the works being completed. A sign must be placed on thesite that includes the site address, name and address of the builder, and a 24-hour contact number. In exceptional cases, we may arrange reinstatement on behalf of applicants at their expense. 1requires that builders and owner builders must obtain an Asset Protection Permit in the following circumstances: Council must have issued the Asset Protection Permit beforeany building works are commenced. Bond amounts are determined by the nature, size and risk of the works to community assets. APP02 - this is used to apply for an Asset Protection Permit to occupy a road (including a footpath, vehicle crossing or nature strips) for works. Civic Centre / Library - Caroline Springs; Council teams and partners will be available between 2pm and 7pm to provide advice, support and assistance to residents at a community support and information day. Council's Asset Protection program is designed to keep Hume's infrastructure assets (like footpaths, kerb and drains) protected from damage resulting from building and construction activities. Where this is not provided, it will be assumed no damage was done prior to the building works. The permit holder is responsible for repairing any damage to Council assets that occurs as a result of the building works. Level 4: Casual sport permit. All we had to do next was to download the planning permit form from the melton shire council site, fill in as required and attach the acosutic reprot provided by stockland along with the Developer approval and required documents as listed on the planning permit form. $dh a$gd1 $a$ c k t T e t | } ~ }pccVVI hz hMh CJ mH sH h' h~ D CJ mH sH h' h! 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This Local Law requires that the builder/permit holder must obtain a non-transferable Asset Protection Permit prior to commencing works. . have construction materials or equipment delivered to the property. Builders are responsible for protecting the following Council assets during the building process: Builders also have a responsibility to protect assets belonging to other authorities, such as communications, water, gas and power companies. 4. NOTE: You need to register to access the Community Portal. Notification for Works Within Road Reserve,   Register . Once the assets are deemed to be in satisfactory condition,the security deposit will be refunded (or balance refunded if used to fund remedial works). A1 - for the larger processes that emit to land, water and air. SMS relay: 0423 677 767. If your building work is in a commercial area or in an area where there are large numbers of people, you will need to take measures to protect the public. If any works begin before a Permit is issued, enforcement action will be taken. Intercultural cities: good practice examples - Intercultural cities . The purpose of the permit is to minimise potential damage from building works to assets within the Road Reserve, apply conditions to protect the environment and toensure that any damage to community assets are repaired to Council standards and paid for by those responsible. An Authorised Officer will conduct a preliminary site inspection to capture the existing condition of assets, either when your application is received or when the Shire receives notification from your Private Building Surveyor that they have been engaged for the Building Permit, whichever happens first. These permits come with a set of conditions which . Vehicle Crossing Permit. Private Bag 1000 This will need to be paid before the permit can be issued. Online: Complete the online form and pay at the same time. Level 4: Seasonal sport permit. Of the Council of Safety which ordered the arrest of Governor Wright, Dr. Jones was a member. Find out how you can contact us. Applications can be submitted via in person at Council's Corporate Centre, 76 Royal Avenue, Sandringham from 8.30am to 5pm (Monday to Friday) or via post PO Box 27, Sandringham VIC 3191. i dropped you my number. The builder, owner builder or permit holder must complete an Asset Protection Application form. There are a set of Regulations that limit what can be released into the environment and these are enforced by both borough councils and the Environment Agency. If any construction activity starts without the permit, we will assume the assets were undamaged before works started and you will be held liable to repair any damages we find during any inspection. You will be sent paperwork to complete and sign. Melton Live - Asset Protection Online Application Form (Opens in new window) Act(s) name. Type the characters you see in the image below, You can report an issue, submit a request, provide feedback or make an enquiry online or by calling us. Email: Appendix 115: Survival Manual For Targeted Citizens/Activists/Populations: Homepage; Updated Feb. 23, 2022. For A1 activities permits are issued by the Environment Agency. Would bring in vast monies. These need to show the current condition of all nature strips associated with the property, as well photos identifying any existing damage to Council assets. Asset ProtectionInspections can take up to 28 days to be completed. Pay rates and other accounts. civica.communityPortal.tileStopEvent(e); Once the Notice of Damage or Application for Asset Protection has been received by Council an initial inspection will be arranged. Authorised Officers will conduct routine and random inspections of the building site to ensure compliance with the Building and Works Code of Practice. Phone: 03 9747 7200 Steps to follow before you make a planning application. If access to the building site is required . If your building work is close to or adjacent to adjoining property boundaries, then you may be required to carry out protection work . Residents are encouraged to attend a drop in event at the Parkside Council Offices on Thursday 16th March 2023. If there is damage or obstructions to Council Assets, we will contact you to dothe following: Please note your bond will be refunded upon completion of reinstatement works. Cardinia Shire Council acknowledges and pays respect to the traditional custodians of these lands, the Bunurong and Wurundjeri people. Asset Protection Permit expiry. However, photos showing the condition of any Council assets (e.g. 76 Royal Avenue, While some mature trees will be removed to facilitate these upgrades, Melton City Council will be planting hundreds of mature trees and thousands more saplings along the road. Pay $300 permit fee. This helps to protect our footpaths, nature strips, vehicle crossings, kerbs, channels, drains, roads and laneways. You will first need to register for eHume if you do not already have a login. jQuery('#projects-tile-crm-5').on('click', function(e){ In the case of owner applicants please contact your builder for proof of their insurance to submit to us. Tel: 03 9243 8888. Nominated vehicle access. On the Community Portal, you can: . Consent Works within Road Reserve, jQuery('#projects-tile-crm-4').on('click', function(e){ Important information. Any adjoining parks also need to be protected. Once construction is completed, it is the builder's responsibility to reinstate the nature strip (level out, top soil and seed). If you need to occupy a road or footpath, for example, to manouevre plant and equipment or to receive or store building materials, seeOccupation of a Road or Footpath permit. This application relates to replacement, construction, relocation or modification of a crossover. In In re Office of Personnel Management Data Security Breach Litigation, No. sewer, water connection or footpath repair, you need to you need to apply and pay online for aRoad Opening Permit. An Asset Protection Permit can be obtained online HYPERLINK "", or in person at one of Councils Customer Service Centres. The Code of Practice outlines the minimum requirements for responsible site management, including: Complete and submit your application. Building Fee Schedule(PDF,164KB) - (asset protection permit fees included). c yj[[L[ h' hG CJ OJ QJ ^J h' h[] CJ OJ QJ ^J h' h! CJ OJ QJ ^J h' h[] 5CJ mH sH h' h! CJ mH sH h' hoL: CJ mH sH h' h[] CJ mH sH h' h[] CJ OJ QJ ^J hNC h[] CJ mH sH h' h[] CJ mH sH h' h1 CJ h' h[] CJ h' h[] >* CJ$ mH sH hMh h[] CJ " F G W X This is because you are required tosupply photos of the drain, nature strip, kerb, channel, footpath and vehicle crossing (driveway entrance) outside theproperty with your application so we can see what condition they are in before works start. This fee covers administration and site inspection costs. Registering your temporary or mobile food premises in Victoria through Streatrader Information for community groups and businesses. The type of pollution you wish to report will determine who you should report it to. If you want tolandscape your nature strip, see Nature Strip Landscaping Permit. civica.communityPortal.trackTileCRM('/eservice/crm/', 'C', 5); If a Planning Permit has been issued and is either due to expire in the next 30 days or has expired less than 6 months from the expiration date. Instructions. In person: (If you submit a printed form by post or email). Application forms and additional guidance can be found on the Defra website. Email:, Address: 232 High Street, Melton, VIC 3337 Postal Address: City of Melton, PO Box 21, Melton, VIC 3337, Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians, City of Melton, PO Box 21, Melton, VIC 3337, Register your temporary or mobile food premises, Fencing information for registered owners, Street stalls, advertising and fundraising, Victorian Local Government Women's Charter, Western Victoria Transmission Network Project, Seniors, people with a disability and carers, Melton: A Strategy for All Abilities and All Ages, Waste service bin options and entitlements, Melton Transport Community Reference Group, The Local Economy and Business Investment, Sign up for our Community Involvement newsletter, Health and wellbeing programs and services, Coronavirus (COVID-19) information and resources, City of Melton Lifelong Learning Festival, Civic Centre / Library - Caroline Springs, Melton Civic Centre, 232 High Street, Melton, Caroline Springs Library and Learning Hub, 193-201 Caroline Springs Boulevard, Caroline Springs, Melton Library and Learning Hub, 31 McKenzie Street, Melton. To ask to extend it, email us at, For advice on asset protection permits or to get help with your application contact our Asset Protection team on 1300 787 624 or, 2023 Cardinia Shire Council. Penalties . The Authorised Officer will inspect the completed works for: If there is no damage or obstructions to Council assets, we will return your bond within 28 working days. Is your child looking forward to all the excitement of becoming a kindergarten kid? information please contact Council's City Services department on 1300 179 944. 0 R , E ~ ~ X r : PROTECTION OF COUNCIL ASSETS ATTENTION: BUILDER OR OWNER BUILDER Dear Sir/Madam, The Building Permit referred to in this notice comes with a responsibility to ensure Councils Road Assets and Infrastructure are protected during any building process.