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No injuries reported. Entrance was not gained. One of the victims was just 15 years old. - Scotch Plains Police Department The early years of our department revolved around busting illegal stills and chicken thievery. Information about Scotch Plains Police inmates is updated every day and becomes visible on the official site. Our department has been on the cutting edge of technology since the early Patrol cars of the 1950's to the modern cars of today. Emergency Patrol Alerts. | Scotch Plains-Fanwood People to Watch: Deputy Chief Al Sellinger When your child was young, visiting the pediatrician was quite an event. Lashan was transported to headquarters and processed. The Scotch Plains City Jail is a Type 2 holding facility for the Scotch Plains Police Department. Perform a free Scotch Plains, NJ public police reports search, including current & recent arrests, traffic violations, arrest inquiries, warrants, reports, logs, and mug shots . The donation will pay for two new Police Bicycles, one of which will be an E-Bike. MARIA SIKOUTRIS DI IORIO, MA, EDS, LPC, MFT. Ashemba Williams, 19, of Scotch Plains, was arrested on November 27 for disorderly conduct. Nemeth was transported to headquarters and processed. Capt. At the. Frauds and Scams Alerts. Scotch Plains Police Blotter | Scotch Plains, NJ Patch SCOTCH PLAINS/FANWOOD, NJ -- The New Jersey YMCA 8 and Under Championships were held February 11-12, 2023, at Jersey Aquatic Center in New Providence. Philippe was transported to headquarters and processed. The Scotch Plains Police Department has deployed body-worn cameras to its patrol officers. Scotch Plains Police Department (Union County, NJ) Arrests Shooting: Prosecutor, 2-Year-Old Child Found In Union County: Police, Teen Riding Bike Collides With School Bus In Fanwood: Police, Scotch Plains Man Convicted Of Sexually Assaulting Young Girl, Payroll Manager Stole $900K From NJ Pharma Company: Prosecutor, 5 Cars Broken Into Friday In Scotch Plains: Police, 8 Men Attempt Car Break-Ins Last Week In Scotch Plains: Police, Scotch Plains Boy Hit By Car While On Bike: Police, Scotch Plains Man Drives Car Into Brewery, Causes Major Damage: Report, Union Co. Man Found Guilty Of Robbing McDonald's In 2015: Prosecutors, 2 Workers Injured In Fanwood Roof Collapse: Fire Department, Man Found Guilty Of Killing 19-Year-Old Union Co. Man: Prosecutors, Man Hit, Killed By NJ Transit Train In Union County, Death-By-Auto-Indictment In Crash That Killed Union Co. Brothers: Cops, Linden High School 10th Grader Reported Missing/Endangered: Police, 1 Person Found Dead Following Fire At Elizabeth Waste Facility: Police, Scotch Plains Man Arrested In Connection With Stabbing Roommate: Cops, Woman Charged With Assaulting Scotch Plains Police Officer, Gets DUI, Bias Crimes Up In Union County, 2 Reported In Fanwood, Former Union Co. Becoming first-time grandparents is totally thrilling for us; and while it is thrilling for our children as well, it is also a time when they can experience a lot of stress. The caller looked outside and saw a dark sedan sitting at the end of the driveway. Email Check the Scotch Plains Police Records Search URLs below. SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ -- A residence on Traveller Way was the scene of home invasion and theft on Feb. 8, according to the Scotch Plains police blotter. Scotch Plains, Union County, NJ Police Reports & Police Department Records Officer Budzinski stopped Ivey for a motor vehicle violation on Route 22 and discovered the warrant. Find My Report For Me When Should I Request a Legal Consultation? There were no signs of forced entry, according to the Scotch Plains police. Its a day to express our love and affection to those close to us. On November 25, an attempted burglary on Frank Street was reported. FANWOOD, NJ - The Fanwood Council presented its key to the Borough and a certificate of appreciation to Alexa Scolavino, a 3rdgrader at McGinn Elementary School, for raising money for the Fanwood Fire Department. A male pedestrian was struck and killed by a NJ Transit train in North Jersey on Thursday, officials said. No workers or customers were injured in the crash, according to Get Patch breaking news alerts sent right to your phone with our new app. 15 ranked St. Joseph (Met. FSPY joined 24 other YMCA swim teams from across the state. Office of Emergency Management. However, parenting can be stressful Valentines Day is a day filled with Hallmark cards, chocolate covered strawberries, red roses and special dining. To request removal of your name from an arrest report, submit these required items to The defendant was transported to Police Head Quarters, where she was processed and released. KELLY VELEZ (FANWOOD-SCOTCH PLAINS YMCA). Over $400 in stolen property was reported during the midday robbery, police said. The attorney general's office points to several potential reasons. Ptlm. Any Scotch Plains business interested in becoming a Safe Place, or anyone in need of more information, can email To add to this unfathomable act and tragic event, it has been videotaped and is circulating on social media. Community Alerts. Township of Scotch Plains, NJ - Public Safety to headquarters, processed and released. Township of Scotch Plains, NJ - Scotch Plains Launches "Safe Place Children, careers and many outside commitments and responsibilities can make it difficult to stay connected to your partner. The Jersey City man was found guilty of first-degree murder, among other charges, following a fatal shooting that took place in 2019. The Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA is hosting its first-ever Day of Giving on Tuesday, March 7, 2023. Westfield Police arrested the man after reports of a stabbing. The Scotch Plains Police Department was officially formed on July 20th, 1900, with the swearing in of a Chief and two sworn officers. | The main number for the Scotch Plains Police Department is (908) 322-7100, you can use the automated program to be directed to a particular Division/Bureau, go through Dispatch at x0 or you can look for the extensions which are listed on each Divisions page. Scotch Plains/Fanwood, NJ Police Blotter | TAPinto Scotch Plains Fire Department. Scotch Plains, NJ Police - City Jail Inmates, Arrests The Wardlaw+Hartridge Performing Arts Department is excited to present its spring musical Into the Woods with performances on March 3, 4 and 5. Scotch Plains saw attempted car break-ins, a car theft and a car burglary last week, according to the recent police blotter. The [] 243 or 244 Recreation Department While the times have changed dramatically, we still serve the community in much the same was as we did 116 years ago. About the Scotch Plains Police Department. The Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA is the place to be this spring! He. The new number takes the place of the previous 'National Suicide Prevention Lifeline'. Leading players in this fabulous production include Sarah Alves of Springfield as Cinderella, Julia Machado of Scotch Tommy OConnor of South Plainfield, a sophomore at The Wardlaw+Hartridge School in Edison, made school history last week when he became the first W+H indoor track and field athlete to win a state title. Javier Maldonado. Osborn Cannonball House in Scotch Plains Opens for Tours on Sunday PBA 87 Home Page Scotch Plains-Fanwood Schools To Gain $1.1M In State Aid Next Year, Donate To Scotch Plains-Fanwood Scholarships At These Area Businesses, Scotch Plains Church Celebrates 75 Years With Event Series, Hoboken's Official St. Patrick's Day Bar Crawl, Grand Opening of Casa by Cherry Home Designs, WEBINAR: Learn About Wills, Living Trusts and Nursing Home Asset Protection, School Bus Company Seeking Fleet Mechanic, Protect Your Home from Ticks with Yard Guard from Viking Pest, Job Loss Could Hit NJ During 'Modest' Recession: Ex-Chief Economist, AMC Theatres In NJ To Base Pricing Off Where You Sit, The Poop On Free-Range Cats And Your Lawn And Garden [Block Talk], Latest Cats, Dogs, Pets Up For Adoption In Scotch Plains-Fanwood Area. Nine Rams scored points in a balanced attack to propel the boys and girls to fourth place in their respective team standings. The Scotch Plains Police Department is located at 430 Park Avenue, Scotch Plains, New Jersey, 07076 and was founded in 1967. Officer Richie responded to the motor vehicle accident and smelled a strong odor of alcohol while speaking with Lambros. Scotch Plains, NJ Police - City Jail Inmates, Arrests ), 82-76, on CHERRY HILL, NJ --Union Catholic continuedits remarkable run by grinding out another tough road win as the fifth-seeded Vikingsknocked off top-seeded Camden Catholic, 61-53, in the semifinals of the NJSIAASouth Jersey, Non-Public A Boys Basketball Tournamenton Monday night at Camden Catholic. Gift Basket Donations Needed for Scotch Plains Rescue Squad Auxiliary Pancake Fanwood Police Department Receives a $4,000+ Donation for Additional Police Bicycles, Gift Basket Donations Needed for Scotch Plains Rescue Squad Auxiliary Pancake Breakfast, Structure Fire in Plainfield Devastates Downtown Businesses, Displaces Residents, Scotch Plains and Fanwood Fire Departments Help Battle East Front Street Blaze in Plainfield, Fanwood's Online Transaction 'MeetUp Spot' to Be Featured on Inside Edition on WCBS-TV Tonight. We strive on a daily basis to make everyone feel comfortable in their daily lives while at the same time letting them know that we are constantly on guard protecting them and their families as if 102 Public Works Department Frank DiNizo, Director (908) 322-6700 ext.