M113 Turbo Kit,
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I read your article after googling value of civil war riflesper your message I would appreciate your professional opinion of the approximate value of a civil rifle that I am considering selling?
You were kind enough to respond to me this past January when I inquired about the value of a rifle I own.
Springfield Rifles - Antique for sale - Guns International Jimmy, What you have is a Model 1840 US Flintlock Musket that was converted to percussion sometime in the 1850s. Action works well and as you can see, wood and metal show its age. Mr west. Stock has, "Serial No. Choose Model, CIVIL WAR US CONFEDERATE UNION SPRINGFIELD MUSKET RIFLE SLING, Adjustable Real Leather 8 Rounds Cartridge Holder Pouch Ammo, WWII WW2 US ARMY M1907 RIFLE LEATHER SLING M1 GARAND SPRINGFIELD STRAP, Confederate Lt. Gen. Stephen D. Lee [CDV], Indian War US Model 1887 Hospital Corps Knife - 2nd Patt Leather Scabbard ONLY, U.S. Military 1855 Rifle Socket Bayonet for M1855 M1861 & M1863 Muskets, U.S. Army Trapdoor Springfield Rifle Model 1873, Carbine & Revolvers Book 45-70, IWB Leather Holster Gun Pistol Fits Glock Sig Sauer Springfield S&W M&P Ruger BR, 1st ed Inletting of Gunstocks,1903 Springfield by Alvin Linden (Paperback, 1941), CIVIL WAR History and Genealogy - 2,055 Books on 5 USB FLASH DRIVES - Ancestry, Red Dot & Laser/Light Combo Optic Cut + Laser IWB Houston Holster - Choose Size. SPRINGFIELD and dated 1861.
Civil War Rifles & Civil War Muskets for Sale | Collectors Firearms U.S. Springfield ~ Model 1884 ~ .45-70 Government. Im just curious as a possible investment. U.S. Springfield Model 1865 Trapdoor rifle. Barrel and receiver are and even smooth patina, left edge of re, "NSN, made in 1871 by Springfield Armory, 50-70, 33""round barrel. Then the government sold 800,000 that were eventually cut down and sold for civilian use.This one still has the rear sight and bayonet lug so its a good restoration candidate but the pitting is bad.. I will send a second email with some more pictures.
1863 Springfield | Pricing Guides Dictionary & Values - marks4antiques.com RIFLE MUSKET. Bore is bright with minor frosting, "NSN, made in 1841, .69 caliber, 42"" round armory bright barrel. Regards Gene West My account; Instagram. Metal is a light grey patina with pin-prick surface oxidation noted. During 1883 Hartley and Graham bought surplus Trapdoor rifles from the U.S. Government and had them converted (po, Springfield Armory produced Model 1884 "Trapdoor" rifle chambered in .45-70 Government. Rough measurement of the bore indicates that it is a 50 cal., However I cannot confirm that the barrel been sleeved to reduce from it 58 cal. 40" barrel. 1815 DATED Rare VIRGINIA MANUFACTORY 2nd Model Flintlock CONFEDERATE Musket
Richmond, VA MUSKET Made in the Only State-Run Armory! https://www.civilwararsenal.com/whats-a-fair-price-for-my-civil-war-weapon/ Barrel is in its original ""tabacco brown"" arsenal finish, lock plate is dated 1832 with case coloring visible. 36 5/8 inch round barrel with a very good bore having scattered light pitting, more so in the grooves but strong rifling. All metel parts are smooth and free of pitting with some age stain. From the looks of your website you know a thing or two about this topic. Rare gun with only 1001 of these made. 1864 dated lock. Excellent quality import in very near new condition. Bore is excellent, stock has two handsome carto, AFGHAN Antique BARNETT LONDON Pattern 1856 Smoothbored SHORT RIFLE
Possible CONFEDERATE Civil War-Era Import Rifle
Here we present an antique Enfield Pattern 1856 Army Short Rifle, also known as, Antique CIVIL WAR Lamson, Goodnow and Yale SPECIAL MODEL 1861 Rifle-MUSKET
With 1864 Dated Lock
Here we present an antique Lamson, Goodnow, and Yale Contract Special Model 1861 Per, BURNSIDE CARBINE MODEL 3 / MODEL 4 TRANSITIONAL, Original Civil War Confederate Richmond Musket, HISTORIC CIVIL WAR TOWER ENFIELD PATTERN 1856 CONFEDERATE STATES CONTRACT PERCUSSION SHORT RIFLE DATED 1861, Virginia Manufactory Converted Flintlock Musket in .69 Caliber. I just found your site. The lock plate is stamped with 1865 behind the hammer with an eagle and US Springfield in front of the hammer. This rifle features a 32 5/8-inch barrel with pinned blade front sight and Buffington gradated leaf rear sight. Item Description: Translate description believed to be 50-70 cartridge.
Primary Infantry Weapon of the American Civil War
Here we present an antique U.S. Model 1861 Contract Rifle-Musket, CONFEDERATE SPRINGFIELD Model 1816 BRAZED BOLSTER Conversion MUSKET c1818
Civil War Period Update of a Flintlock Musket
Here we present an antique Springfield U.S. Model 1816, SALE PENDING..PRE SALE, AVAIL. I would recommend you start by purchasing a copy of Flaydermans Guide to Antique American Arms. EXCEPTIONAL SPRINGFIELD KRAG U.S. MODEL 1896 INFANTRY RIFLE. Unfortunately Im not well versed in post Civil War Weapons so I am including an attachment below so you can make your own judgement.as you can see in the attachment theres an illustration of a High Arch Breech and a Low Arch Breech this should help identify which model Springfield you have. The 25\" Carbine length. He had them refurbished and they look wonderful, but of course, there have been parts added. U.S. Springfield "1863" marked on lockplate.Early 13,XXX serial range. U. S. Springfield Model 1863 . First things first, you can expect to pay anywhere from $800-1200 for a nice Union wall hanger..of course you can spend more then that but that would be for a musket in excellent condition and I gather from your email thats not what your looking for. Manufactured in Springfield Massachusetts at the Springfield Armory the 1863 Rifle Musket is a .58 caliber single shot muzzleloader with a 40 round barrel and three barrel bands. CALIBER: 6.5MM Creedmoor STOCK: Hybrid Profile, Adjustable Carbon Fiber, M-Lok. 45-70 caliber with a 28" barrel. Antique U.S. SPRINGFIELD ARMORY Model 1847 Percussion ARTILLERY MUSKETOON MEXICAN AMERICAN WAR / CIVIL WAR Musket! The bore is very good, with strong lands and grooves. Metal is a dull white finish that has been lightly cleaned some time ago. I am so sorry its taken me seven months to respond; I started a new job and moved from my home in Wisconsin to Arizona. One of the more historical U.S. issued rifles, these started out as .58 caliber muzzle loaders issued to the Union forces in the Civil War. This rifle is in very good shape with a very good bore showing strong rifling and shine with some rough spots. Full length. Add to cart. Bore is bright with minor frosting. margin-top: 10px; Just a rough idea on the value would be appreciated.One more question wear do you find the caliber marking ? UNCLE MIKE'S SIDEKICK Cross Harness Shoulder Holster [Size 1] . Has all the case colors on lock and hammer and finish on stock. Here we present an antique John H. Krider Full Stock Percussion Militia Rifle made, A vintage mid 19th Century 12ga double hammer percussion hsotgun with 30" damascus barrels with exterior finish of dark grey and some areas of very fine surface pits from handlinhg, but shows up, CIVIL WAR Antique U.S. BURNSIDE 4th Model .54 Caliber SADDLE RING Carbine
Designed By Union General Ambrose E. Burnside
Here we present an antique Burnside 4th Model Percussion Car, TOWER MARKED Antique BRITISH ENFIELD Pattern Infantry .60 Caliber CARBINE
Liege Proofed CIVIL WAR DATED 1863
Here we present an antique British Issued Tower Marked Enfield Pattern Two Band, I am offering a very nice M1857 Spanish Enfield short rifle like the ones imported for the Civil War. I have been told that this particular rifle was modified after the Civil War.
Springfield 1863 Rifled Musket .58 Cal. - Black Powder Rifles High(Bid) Time(Left) 17264689. I saw your post online and was wondering if you could tell the value of a U.S MODEL 1863 .58 CALIBER CIVIL WAR MUSKET with attached bayonet and leather shoulder strap; has been passed down in our family for years. ORIGINAL 45-70 SPRINGFIELD TRAPDOOR SADDLE RING CARBINE MODEL 1884, NEVADA FIND, APACHE WARS? Im searching for a Union long rifle3 band Enfield/Springfield/Lorenzdont mind a little elbow grease neededdoesnt have to firelooking for a wall hangar so to speak to honor my great-grandfather, who served with the 63rd Indiana Volunteers.
The bore is shinny with some dark rust spots.
Original U.S. Civil War Springfield 1863/1870 Trapdoor Conversion Rifle SEE PICS! Gun - Musket - 1861 Springfield $1,328.00 This rifled musket , with the lock marking "1861 Springfield" and an eagle, was the principal infantry arm of the civil war. Made fr, 1815 DATED Rare VIRGINIA MANUFACTORY 2nd Model Flintlock CONFEDERATE Musket
Richmond, VA MUSKET Made in the Only State-Run Armory! Hello Gene , I have a 1861 model .The date plate says1863 and US Norfolk .The butt of the stock has 23 stamped on both sides.I would say the gun is in pretty good shape.The ones i looked at online look like the have been cleaned ? Overall very good plus condition, barrel is in the bright with minor pin-prick surface oxidation noted. The Nicholas Wolf Springfield Rifle/ Musket.
Civil War Springfield 1863 Type I Rifle-Musket with Bayonet Do you have any good advice or leads on where to find a rifle like this. The Model 1863 was only a minor improvement over the Springfield Model 1861. Bids. Rear sight has been removed. Clement U.S. Model 1861 Percussion Rifle Musket in .58 Caliber
* Cut-Down or Artillery Model with 31" Inch Barre, Mid-CIVIL WAR Antique SPENCER REPEATING RIFLE CO. .52 Cal. Here we present a Rare Antique Richmond Manufactory War o, "NSN, made in 1853, .69 caliber, 42"" proofed barrel. Breach-loading cartridge
1863 Springfield Rifle Musket, Type 1 | Civil War Arsenal Metal and Iron furniture are a dark brown patina with surface oxidation noted around the replaced nipple. ARMS CO. 2nd Model MAYNARD 1863 Cavalry SR Carbine
.50 Caliber Percussion Saddle Ring Carbine
Here we present an antique Maynard Second Model 1863 Cavalry percussio, This is an original Civil War production U.S. Model 1861 Percussion Rifle Musket made by the S. Norris & W.T. The demand of used 1863 RIFLE rifle's has fallen 3 units over the past 12 months. 30"" round barrel. 58 cal.
CIVIL WAR Springfield U.S. Model 1863 RIFLE-MUSKET - Guns International Offered in very nice condition is this trapdoor rifle in .50-70 government caliber. Shop for 1863 Springfield musket parts with Numrich Gun Parts. This includes 1 30-round magazine, fli NIB Springfield Waypoint 2020 6.5MM Creedmoor. 53 Cal. I can feel the history from this pieceand I think it begging to be recognised.
Civil War Muskets, Rifles & Carbines, Enfield & Springfield - C&C Sutlery and 410ga. I have 64 en bloc clips for the rifle. . You didnt provide any images of the weapon so I have no way of understanding condition..if you like forward some photos and I may be able to help further. RIFLE-MUSKET
c1864 TYPE II MUSKET, CIVIL WAR Antique U.S. BURNSIDE Model 1864 5th Model SADDLE RING Carbine
Classic PERCUSSION Carbine Made in Providence, RI, CIVIL WAR Era Antique FRENCH MUTZIG Arsenal Model 1840 PERC. ORIGINAL CIVIL WAR SPRINGFIELD U.S. MODEL 1861 RIFLE-MUSKET DATED 1861. Nice bore and action, nice wood with inspectors mark. #gallery-1 img { Let me know if you have other questions, Im happy to help. Attached are some (not so professional) pictures I took recently. RIFLE-MUSKET
Here we present an antique Springfield U.S. Model 1863 Type II Rifle-Musket, manufactured at, CIVIL WAR Antique U.S. BURNSIDE Model 1864 5th Model SADDLE RING Carbine
Classic PERCUSSION Carbine Made in Providence, RI
Here we present an antique U.S. Burnside Model 1864, also, CIVIL WAR Era Antique FRENCH MUTZIG Arsenal Model 1840 PERC. The full length barrel is 54 caliber with both front and rear sights and has pitting. A non functioning rifle in otherwise good shape would actually be ideal. Very fine 2nd model Allin conversion. US War Dept. Stock shows nicks, dings and handling wear. Iron mountings. It contains a small bag of percussion caps. Porter Inspected Trapdoor, Many Used in Spanish-American War, Springfield 1873 Trapdoor, 45-70gov, 1880MFR, "U.S. Springfield 2nd Allin Conversion Trapdoor 50-70 (AL8036), Springfield ~ Model 1888 Trapdoor ~ .45-70 Government. UNALTERED 1868 SPRINGFIELD .50-70 TRAPDOOR RIFLE, #5XXX. Bored. to 50 cal. Traces of case coloring are visi, "NSN, circa 1866, .45-70, 32.75"" round barrel. RIFLE-MUSKET
Here we present an antique Springfield U.S. Model 1863 Type II Rifle-Musket, manufactured at, "Made in 1884. This example was cer, HISTORIC CIVIL WAR TOWER ENFIELD PATTERN 1856 CONFEDERATE STATES CONTRACT PERCUSSION SHORT RIFLE DATED 1861 SERIAL NUMBER 3772 WITH CSA GENERAL WILLIAM B. TALIAFERRO (MOVIE GLORY), Virginia Manufactory converted musket with 1818 dated lock plate. Barrel has 75% - 80% of, "Springfield Trapdoor Sporting Rifle .40-65 caliber. The barrel length from the face of the trapdoor is 36 5/8 and overall length is 55 3/4 .75 Cal MUSKET Civil War Import from France, CIVIL WAR Antique JAMES MERRILL Second Type .54 Caliber Percussion CARBINE
WIDELY Used SRC by North & South During Civil War.